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WAND Taxonomy

Taxonomy and your Business: Rapid Fire Facts

  • Companies that have taxonomies are 250% more likely to have users that are satisfied or very satisfied with search.*

  • Taxonomies give an organization a basis for structuring information consistently which improves operational efficiencies and increases information asset utilization.

  • Companies without taxonomies tend to have users who are dissatisfied with their ability to find and use information*

  • Taxonomies increase the chance of getting the right information for any given search query*

  • Lack of appropriate tags is the second largest barrier stopping users from finding information*

  • Information organization (information architecture, taxonomies and tagging) is the second highest priority for investment in 2013 and 2014.*

  • Taxonomy serves as a common vocabulary for an organization to use when applying metadata to content.

  • Inconsistency in tagging content is the fifth largest barrier stopping users from finding information.*

  • In an independent survey, 78% of respondents believe finding the right information is critical or imperative to the organization’s overall success and business goals.*

  • “Without a Taxonomy, the classification of information becomes arbitrary and inconsistent across different applications and user groups”*

  • The WAND Taxonomy Library Portal is the only source for professionally built taxonomies covering nearly every industry vertical segment and business functional area.

  • Access to the WAND Taxonomy Library Portal can shave 6-9 months off an enterprise taxonomy project.

*Enterprise Search and Findability Report, Findwise, 2013/2014


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